The India's most popular and Indian Television channel which is telecasting a lot of Indian TV show along with the Upcoming Hindi TV Serials 2017 time to time. Recently, the Star Plus channel has been released out the new show which is a sequel of Diya Aur Bati Hum Serial. Yes, we are talking about the Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji. But here we are going to tell you about the Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji Written Updates. You just go through the below-given details where you can get all written updates of this show.
In the upcoming episode of Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji, the Uma Shankar will be going to arrest by the Police because he married Kanak forcefully. Actually, the Kanak got the Kanak Misthan Bhandar papers in her hands and then she clearly told to Uma Shankar that they are not made for each other. So that's why she is going to leave him forever. After to say this, Kanak is coming back to her home where she meets Ved and Vansh.
But after some time, when she is going to meet Bhabho, Meenakshi, and all. There she will be getting shocked to see that Bhabho is doing Uma Shankar's aarti. In the upcoming episode, Uma Shankar will disclose that he didn't give Kanak Mishthan's Shop on her name. He was taking that shop from her by getting signatures on the papers. That time, Kanak will be getting shocked to see that. Later Ved and Vansh will be registering a complaint against him.
Police will arrest him on the crime like he married Kanak forcefully because he got an indication from his god. All the press and media will be getting shocked to see this. They will start to telecast this news every where on TV (television), newspaper, and everything. They will be saying that the most popular Dr. Uma Shankar gets to arrest in this crime. But somewhere Kanak will be going to feel bad for him because he never does a bad behavior with her in this relationship. Let see whether she will save him or not.